Annual Report 2024
Dear Euroactive people,
2024 has been a year filled with challenges but also with incredible achievements. It marked the first time we hosted international volunteers, and their efforts significantly boosted our local activities, creating a big impact in our community. Their dedication inspired a wave of local volunteers, our “army of little heroes,” always ready to lend a helping hand.
This year, we finally arranged a local space to organize workshops and activities, a safe environment for the young people in our community. While the space isn’t as generous as we would like, it has already become a welcoming hub for many. Our hope for the coming year is to expand into a larger, more accommodating space that our volunteers can truly call a friendly home.
We’ve also expanded our network internationally, establishing new partnerships in countries like Norway, Finland, Georgia, and more. Our Euroactive Network grew to include new groups in Croatia, Spain, and Germany, with young changemakers forming informal groups and NGOs to make a difference.
Two major milestones highlighted this year: one of our members was selected to represent Romania at the European Youth Week in Brussels, and our organization was invited to the Global Nonprofit Leaders Summit in Bellevue, USA. We’re hopeful to secure funds to attend this significant event.
Looking ahead, we are optimistic about 2025. We aim to address our current challenges by securing a larger space for our activities and expanding our programs to support even more youth. We also hope to deepen our collaborations with international partners and continue empowering local communities. The year ahead is filled with potential, and we are ready to embrace it with the same passion and commitment that has defined our work.
These accomplishments reflect the dedication of our team, the support of our partners, and the unwavering enthusiasm of our volunteers. Together, we will persist in making a lasting difference, one step at a time.
With gratitude,
Euroactive NGO
See our full report for 2024!
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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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