VeggieToe It’s time to start the new you! Our veggies to your toe at one click away! Our Mission Our mission is to provide small local producers in rural areas with a market to sell their products. At the same time, we aim to create a community of people that will...
no PLANet B “There can be no Plan B because there is no planet B.” – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon our mission Our Mission is to support rural life through the protection of natural life. Therefore, we provide both touristic packages in...
HAPPY MOO Online Service Platform for Arranging Fast 24/7 delivery of drugs needed specifically for each animal farm. We have the solution to your problem! You can now relax! We are here 24/7 to provide you the medicine for your animals, whenever you need it,...
Achieve. develop. accelerate. Accelerate Now. An online platform full of what entrepreneurs and investors need. 7 mission Our mission consists in accelerating the world’s business ideas and providing funding and investing opportunities and feedback. vision We...
abc llogo We design the success! STATIONERY ADVERTISING DESIGN LOGO DESIGN About Me Contact CONTACT@LLOGO.COM +40 777 777 777 Let’s Get Started Our Mission Our mission is to give every new entrepreneur the image to bring its company to the world. From...
popCORN a good movie is just one click away! ? You pick three movies you already like and our AI will make a suggestion based on similar story plot, genre and mood. subscribe to our services Variety Comfort Relief ABOUT popCORN Mission – In just one click, we...