– short insight from the project –
A Journey of Discovery and Empowerment
In recent days, the “DeMo Youth” project embarked on an exciting journey. This initiative focused on exploring personal interpretations of democracy. Participants from various countries examined the current state of democracy in their respective nations. The goal was to understand how young people can contribute to positive societal changes.
Workshops: A Source of Inspiration
The project’s workshops proved to be highly inspirational for the participants. They were so engaging that participants continued their discussions about democracy even during breaks. These conversations marked the conclusion of a series of highly productive days, officially signaling the start of the project.
Building a Foundation for Future Mentors
The initial phase of the “DeMo Youth” project laid an important foundation. It aimed at equipping future mentors with the necessary skills to inspire and empower young people. Through these efforts, a deeper understanding of democracy was fostered among the participants.
Upcoming Activities: Fostering Connection and Learning
A key activity of this project will bring together local young individuals from different countries. They will participate in an extended period of mobility, engaging in various workshops that resonate with the project’s central theme. This activity is designed to enhance learning and encourage connections among participants from diverse backgrounds.
Explore More: Discover Our Journey Online
For those interested in learning more about the “DeMo Youth” project and its impact, we have shared some engaging videos online. These videos showcase our experiences during the mobility and our thoughts on the topic of democracy.
You can view these videos through the following links:
The project was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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