Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
12-21 August 2021 | Corbeni, Romania

Digital literacy is a set of knowledge and skills of an individual, needed to find, use, analyse and produce information, and content, using different digital platforms and technologies. Due to the technological advancement and the continuous process of digitization that marks the aspects of everyday life, good preparation in this regard should be part of the learning process of each person throughout life.
Project Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Given these points, the aim of this project was to raise awareness of the importance of digital education.
While all this was going on, not only did we develop the digital skills necessary for professional and recreational activities among young people, but also we expanded our critical thinking and learned how to use the Internet in a safe and ethical way.

The activities within the project were designed in such a way as to lead to the fulfilment of the project objectives. During the project, we used non-formal educational methods to raise our digital literacy competencies. In other words, we had team consolidation games, an introduction to the Erasmus+ program, and the Youthpass certificate, activities designed to draw attention to the content we publish in the online space, discussing ethical issues in technology development, and the rights to personal data in the online environment etc.
Moreover, as seen above, we delved into alluring conversations regarding the technological future, smart vehicles and cities, and their implications on society, online security, E-health, cyberbullying, fake news, digital democracy with other fascinating topics from the digital realm.
During each day we did energizers mean to increase our mood, as well as reflection and evaluation sessions in order to better understand and facilitate the learning process.
In addition to the information we have learned, we enriched our digital competencies by creating digital products. Some of the project results consist of 20 info graphics containing useful information about the topics we have discussed during the project.
Last but not least, we have created some amazing videos that show our experience during the project as well as what we have learned.
It was so interesting for me to be surrounded by lots of different personalities and get to know them better than I would have done if I met them individually, in a random context. It’s fascinating to share the same experiences with people that are strangers on the first day, but who will become your friends until the last one. This kind of experience makes you understand that, at the end of the day, regardless of the age, the country we come from, or the zodiacal signs :)) we are all human beings and we want the same things: acceptance, validation, communication and love. A project was full of emotions, amazing people, learning, and things to always be remembered. I will miss you!
During this project, I realized that the internet is a theme on which there is a lot to work on. It evolves too fast and governments can’t keep up with the legislation. The big tech companies hold immense power, even greater than the governments themselves because they’re able to know every single piece of information about us. It is therefore of enormous importance to educate people and try to actively ask for new and more advanced laws to guarantee our safety.
When I first read that the name of the project would be “Digital Literacy” I was intrigued by it since it is a very crucial topic, and everyone should be informed about it. At first, I thought that it would be challenging, but the organizers made it so easy and fun that the days went by in the blink of an eye. This project aimed to raise awareness about different areas of digital literacy such as the dangers in an online environment, the importance of fake news and how to recognize and defeat them, and the urgency to learn to protect our personal information and data online and many more topics. In my opinion, the teamwork, and the activities we all did together was the reason behind all this success and learning. The challenge for me was to get out of my comfort zone and try not to be shy and hesitant. This challenge was successfully done thanks to all the amazing people I met and to all the friends I made, and who I will never forget. Some of them pushed me so I could be a better person, others taught me to love myself no matter what and believe in me and others taught me the value of friendship, communication, and understanding. I could never thank them enough for what they did, and I will always be grateful that I met them. For the last part I just wanted to remind all my friends in this project of something I said to them when we were playing the game with the Dixit cards: “Never forget how special and unique you are and always believe in yourselves”. Thank you all for these amazing 10 days.
Digital Literacy was the second Erasmus+ project I’ve participated and I couldn’t imagine the experience that I would live. The project took place in Romania, Corbeni and it was organized by young people for young people. The activities gave the opportunity to all the participants to express themselves, be creative, talk about their ideas and communicate with each other. The topic of the project was so special and inspiring that helped each of us to protect ourselves from dangers that we didn’t even think to appear in our daily life, we learn that security is the most important thing when we are talking about the internet and of course that our digital footprint defines us during our whole life. Although I truly learned many important things about digital literacy, I’ll never forget the people that I met during the project, each of them with a different mindset, opinions, culture, personality, but all of them were so unique and kind that I’ll remember them for the rest of my life. It was an honour to be a part of this team and I really hope to participate again in projects like this one in the future!
My Erasmus+ experience was unbelievably unexpected! I never thought I would have that much fun in a foreign country, make friends and at the same time learn so many new things about digital literacy which was the project’s theme. All the people there were really friendly and supportive so they made us feel really appreciated! I really enjoyed the way we communicated with each other and the way everyone respectfully expressed their opinion!
It was my first project but surely not the last! I can’t wait to see you again in Corbeni or in a different place! The best project with the best people!
The project „Digital Literacy” was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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