“Do It Blue”: A Collaborative Project to Empower Youth through Digital Skills and Networking
“Do It Blue” was a great project that united youth workers from Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia, Romania, and Greece with the objective to foster new connections and enhance digital competencies through non-formal learning approaches.
This inspiring project not only helped us refine our digital skills but also enabled us to forge enduring friendships, collaborations, and a deeper understanding of technology’s role in connecting and educating young people. Also, it was a truly unforgettable experience that left us with cherished memories and a dedication to maintaining these connections.
A key outcome of “Do It Blue” was the creation of a comprehensive Toolbox. This resource hub contains a diverse array of materials, such as online platforms, applications, and other digital tools that cater to various aspects of youth work, including communication, learning, and creativity. The Toolbox serves as an invaluable asset for youth workers seeking to integrate digital tools into their practice and engage with young people in a meaningful manner.
The Toolbox is organized into five primary sections: Communication, Learning Platforms, Design, Interactive, and AI.
1. Communication: This section highlights an extensive selection of digital tools that assist youth workers and organizations in staying connected, collaborating, and simplifying daily tasks.
2. Learning Platforms: As the name suggests, this category showcases a range of apps designed to support young people in learning about various subjects.
3. Design: This section offers tools that cater to design needs, such as video and image editing, logo creation, banners, and presentations.
4. Interactive: Interactive platforms provide customized content that facilitates immersive experiences for both external and internal communication.
5. AI: This section features tools that incorporate artificial intelligence, reflecting the evolution of technology.
To explore the full range of apps and resources in the Toolbox, click the button below.
The project was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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