Eco centric learning factory
Training Course
- Date: 21.02.2022 – 01.03.2022
- Where: Samobor, Croatia
- Project Co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme and European Union
About the Project
Time left to apply
This project aims to foster quality improvements in youth work, in particular through enhanced cooperation between organisations in the youth field and/or other stakeholders as well as enhance the international dimension of youth activities and enhance the capacity of youth workers and organisations in their support for young people.
The main aim of this project is to repurpose outdoors as a learning space by equipping youth workers with a set of competences to learn how to work with the outdoor environment as a classroom and teaching media, based on the eco centric model of learning.
Main project objectives are:
– to increase the knowledge of participants about the theoretical basis of outdoor educational pedagogy, research and literature;
– to develop the knowledge of participants about the eco-centric model of learning as a set of methods to support development of both youth workers and young people;
– to experience outdoor methods and techniques and reflect on ways of incorporating them into daily youth work of participants, with a focus on young people with fewer opportunities, young people from marginalised background, radicalised youth or with refugees;
– to exchange practices, experiences, methods and techniques of outdoor and eco-centric education in order to increase the quality of youth work in participants’ countries;
– to develop participants’ competences in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating outdoor, experiential and eco centric learning activities;
– to develop personal (self-esteem, learning to learn) and social skills (communication, teamwork) of participants through outdoor activities and lessons;
– to promote Erasmus+ Programme and opportunities for education, training and mobility.
Participant’s profile:
- Has at least 18 years old;
- Has Romanian Nationality or Residency;
- Open to new, flexible, proactive and willing to work in a multinational and intercultural team;
- Is motivated to participate in this training course and is interested in the proposed topic;
- Present desire for civic and involvement;
- Assume that they will share with others the knowledge, attitudes and abilities learned, and that they will be actively involved in all stages of the project.
In the process of selection will prevail:
- Fitting in the participants’ profile;
- Motivation to participate and the quality of the application;
- Euroactive NGO volunteers and the members of the communities we are activating in have priority;
- Gender balance;
- Priority will be given to youth workers with fewer opportunities and youth workers who have not participated in the Erasmus + program until now.
Number: 2 participants
The selection results will be sent by email to all candidates at the latest 18 January 2022.
1. The participation costs (accommodation, food, materials etc.) will be covered by the organisers.
2. Travel insurance is mandatory and must be covered from your own expense.
3. COVID-19 tests can be reimbursed up to 100 EUR per participant.
4. An amount of 25 euro will be perceived by the sending organisation as a co-financing of the participant to the project (not applied to Euroactive volunteers and youth workers with fewer opportunities).
For more details about the project
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Also, if you want to find out more about the erasmus+ program, click here.
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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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