Ecological Sustainability Play
– a little glimpse inside –
I must start by saying that participating in the “Ecological Sustainability Play” project was a truly wonderful experience. Organized by partners like Euroactive NGO Alapítvány from Hungary, the project spanned from the 15th to the 24th of July 2023, so, not less than 10 amazing days in Szentendre, Hungary.
The objectives of the project were focused on increasing awareness among young people aged 18-30 about the consequences of human actions on global warming. We were encouraged to find creative solutions through non-formal educational methods and experiential learning. This initiative not only aimed at empowering us to take local actions towards ecological sustainability but also in developing key competences and soft skills through debates, role-play, team-building games, and other activities.
Throughout the project, we engaged in a variety of activities that broadened our understanding of ecological sustainability and other cultures. We started with interactive games to get to know each other, which set a friendly and collaborative tone. We then delved into more focused activities, such as designing prototypes to combat global warming, engaging in nature-based activities, and discussing topics like ecological footprints. The program was also mixed in with creative tasks like poetry writing, slam poetry, and theater activities, which not only enhanced our creative skills but also helped us understand complex environmental issues in a more nuanced way. These activities were complemented by discussions on topics like the contents of cosmetics and the importance of fact-checking what we use on our bodies. We also did lots of energizing activities and, we even had a session where we designed a sustainable city, where we tried to show out the essence of ecological sustainability and collaboration.
Despite the learning, what I appreciate the most are the beautiful friendships we built. Being together in Szentendre, a small paradise along the Danube River, added a special charm to our experience. The natural beauty of the area, with its river views and green spaces, provided a perfect backdrop for our activities. Moreover, the cultural diversity among the participants enriched our interactions, allowing us to learn about different ways of life and perspectives. This blend of fun, friendship, and cultural exchange in the serene setting of Szentendre made the project truly unique and unforgettable.
The project was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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