DemoYouth Project: Paving the Way for Active Youth Participation in Democracy

Finally, after months of dedicated work, the young participants of the DemoYouth Project have completed the „Guide for Democracy”, a booklet aiming to serve as a tool for educators and youth leaders who are passionate about teaching democracy and active citizenship to young people.

Created in collaboration with the our coordinator Euroactive NGO Foundation (Hungary), and the partners Youth Empowerment Center (Greece), and Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Regionalnych (Poland), this guide offers educators and youth leaders practical methods and tools to engage young people in democratic processes.

But first, let’s tell you a little bit about the project context!

We had several objectives: 

  • Development of the participants’ ability to engage in dialogue with decision- makers through non-formal learning tools during the project period.
  • Enhancement of active participation by young individuals in European democratic life through non-formal learning methods throughout the project duration.
  • Development of active participation by young individuals in social life, who take part in local (Hungarian, Romanian, Greek, Polish) activities during the project period.

The program consisted of online sessions, complemented by an offline series of events in local communities, involving young participants from partner countries and local communities. During these online sessions, young people explored the basics of democracy through non-formal tools and had the opportunity to engage in discussions with various decision-makers. Throughout the project duration, two mobilities were organized. The first targeted group leaders, whom we prepared for their mentoring roles.

During the second mobility, young participants conducted sessions on democracy, building on their foundations in both democratic knowledge and facilitation skills. Following the mobilities, the sessions were tailored to the needs of the local community through online mentoring, and subsequently presented to the community.

Participants actively engaged in online sessions and mobilities during the program implementation. In addition, through online sessions, involvement of the local community during mobilities, and activities conducted in the local communities of the four countries, young individuals were reached and included in the project activities.

To explore the resources and insights developed by our young participants, please click the following link: Download Guide.

The project was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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