Improved Digital Communication “Young Bits” – Chapter 3
Technology can change the “classical classroom” into a network where youth workers post assignments progressively, and youngsters can ask questions more easily and reference a structured record of past discussions.
The pandemic taught us that there is a need, and with that, a possibility of exchanging meaningful information through the internet. Many tools have been developed which aid that goal through many different forms — video, audio, text, pictures and so on. These online tools make spreading knowledge as creative as it gets and easier than ever before! There is no excuse to be inert and indifferent when it comes to enhanced, online learning and communication.
Let’s dig and see what options we have!
- Technology and tools for online learning – Most institutions use technologies to make their courses more engaging and improve access to learning for students. As new technologies have become more reliable, we need to work on viable and affordable solutions and opportunities to reconsider how we educate, engage with or involve learners in different ways. Here is a guide that considers a range of factors that contribute to ongoing capacity for online learning provision. It offers guidance, resources and case studies to support the development and use of technologies to support online courses and distance learning programmes.
- Tips to Help Students Become Good Digital Communicators – Knowing how to communicate respectfully and appropriately in online spaces it’s an important competence. Despite all the times they spend online, youngsters don’t necessarily understand the difference between formal and informal digital communications mediums. Here you can find some tips to help young people improve their digital communication skills.
- Ways to Improve Digital Communication – Online education is new for all of us, so you probably encounter difficulties on putting together materials, communicating with your learners, and using different digital tools to provide the best educational opportunities available. On this link you will find some guidance that will help you to communicate more effectively with your students in the online environement.
- Best Practices for a Good Digital Communication – Many institutions and organisations undervalue digital communication—email, text message, app, or social media for capturing student voices and demonstrating care. When written thoughtfully and strategically, something as simple as a text message can get students to open up and to know that you really care about them. On this link you will find some tips on enhancing how you connect with learners who are distant in the short term, you can build these practices into how you interact with those students on the long time.
- Types of Communication Tools – We all know communication amongst teams is imperative for success, so here is a list of the essential types of team communication tools and some of the best options among them for teams, both in-house and decentralized.
- Examples of Communication Tools – Tools for communication provide a hub for document sharing, collaboration, chat, task management, voice and video communication, and a whole range of other super-cool features allowing teams to work flawlessly any time, anywhere, so here you can find some examples and a short description of their features.
- Team Communication Tools For Businesses – If you are searching for Communication tools to use in your organisation, here you can search for some options that might fit you. Also, young people can have a significant impact on developing economies by launching their own business activities, so providing them with information about different tools that can support them in their entrepreneurial path can be a nice educational input.
- Microsoft Teams – is one of the most famous and broad tool for use in online learning. Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app built for hybrid work so you and your team stay informed, organized, and connected. The application offers workspace chat and videoconferencing, file storage, and application integration.
We hope you found this informative, so see you next week for a new “young bit”.
The content for this post is part of our online campaign called “Young Bits” which aims to increase the quality of Digital Youth Work by providing the interested parties with knowledge and tools that exist on the internet, but are not structured in a handy manner. The campaign represents the main result of the project „DIgital Technology as a TOol”, a training course that was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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