Introducing YAMAG Project: Fostering Youth Engagement in Europe

Recognizing youth as the future of the European Union, we’re excited to introduce the YAMAG project. This initiative is a response to the need for increased youth participation in decision-making processes, particularly highlighted by the challenges of the pandemic era.

Launched in response to the need for greater youth involvement, particularly amidst the challenges of the post-pandemic era, YAMAG has two main objectives:

  1. Enhance youth participation in civic and democratic life.
  2. Enrich opportunities for youth in their communities.

Promoting transnational cooperation between various youth organizations, YAMAG will develop a network to exchange best practices and training, fostering higher-quality youth-focused programs with a European and international dimension.

Through debates, surveys, and specific training, YAMAG aims to involve young people in community decision-making processes, boosting their engagement and empowerment. The project will lead to the co-creation of a Glocal Youth Programme, a local development program produced by and for the youth.

The impact? Enhanced quality of youth-focused programs with a European and international dimension.

Our primary targets are youth, staff from partner organizations and municipalities, and policymakers. Together, we aim to build a future where the youth’s voice is an integral part of our democratic processes. 

We cannot wait to advance with the project implementation to be able to reach our objectives and achieve great results! 

Fingers crossed and stay close for finding out more!

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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