Kultura na sto% 

Participants’ experience

We write this article as representatives of Romania in the Erasmus+ project “Kultura na Sto%” in Drobin, Poland. After a week full of adventures and activities in an intercultural setting, our project has come to an end. It was a journey filled with new knowledge, lots of fun, and countless connections that will last for a long time or even forever.

Each day and activity brought us closer together and made us more aware of the world around us and the cultures of each of us. There will remain in our memory moments that we will never forget and friends that will last forever.

In the midst of all the problems that are taking place right now, this project was for us like a breath of fresh air that disconnected us from the daily stress and an opportunity to see how people from all over the world think and live. Even if for some of us it was the first project, we all collaborated, gave our best and managed to successfully complete another wonderful project.

Our expectations were to create strong bonds, learn and understand the European people and cultures, and also to create new perspectives on our future as European citizens. Of course, all of our expectations were fulfilled, giving us a sense of accomplishment and success in creating such a united and homogeneous group in such a project. We leave home with a lot of emotions and feelings. The sadness of leaving this place is mixed with the joy of realizing how lucky we are to have met and resulted in promises and hopes that we will see each other again one day. We are excited about everything that happened here and deeply grateful for this opportunity.

Erasmus+ offers a new vision of life, of people and of everything that exists. Be prepared for adventures that you couldn’t have imagined until now, for friends that will last a lifetime, and for discovering amazing and surprising things. The world around you takes on a different form and you will be shocked by how different what you thought you knew can be. You will learn from the experiences of others, discover new parts of yourselves and non-formal education will be your new way of life!

As a final word, trust us – Erasmus+ is an experience you don’t want to miss!

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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