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Launch of the Digital Compass Toolkit: A Guide to Digital Citizenship for Youth Workers
We are thrilled to announce the release of the Digital Compass Toolkit, a comprehensive new resource developed as part of the E-Citizen Quest project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. This toolkit is designed to help youth workers and young people across Europe understand and embrace the concept of digital citizenship.
Noaptea Muzeelor la Muzeul Municipal Curtea de Argeș
Noaptea Muzeelor la Muzeul Municipal Curtea de Argeș a fost o experiență fantastică! Participanții s-au bucurat de activități diverse, atât din punct de vedere cultural cât și educativ, printre care și “Vânătoarea noastră de tezaur”.
Eveniment: Treasure Hunt de Noaptea Muzeelor
Avem plăcerea de a anunța un eveniment special organizat în colaborare cu Muzeul Municipal Curtea în cadrul Nopții Muzeelor! În seara de 18 mai 2024, începând cu ora 18:30, te vei putea bucura de trei vânători de comori menite să transforme vizita la muzeu într-o aventură captivantă și educativă.
Research – Young people in Europe Today
Young People in Europe Today is a complex research aiming to capture the needs and engagement levels of young people both at the European level and within the participating countries.
Field Research Report: Empowering Youth Workers to Drive Climate Action – Romania
We are excited to officially launch the Empowering Youth Workers to Drive Climate Action project, an initiative designed to equip youth workers across Romania and Greece with the necessary tools, resources, and knowledge to educate and inspire young people to take climate action.
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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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