no PLANet B
“There can be no Plan B because there is no planet B.”
– UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

our mission
Our Mission is to support rural life through the protection of natural life. Therefore, we provide both touristic packages in magnificent green areas from beautiful villages, in order to raise awareness on the protection of natural life and to contribute to the empowerment of the people living in rural communities.

our vision
Our Vision is to bring the old vibe of rural areas to modern times and to give everyone the chance to experience it.

Our company provides various tourism packages designed to give participants an authentic rural experience. They include hiking trails which can be done on horseback or on foot, accommodation in the villages along the various routes, and meals that are prepared on an open fire and available on request. Accommodation can either be in the form of a campsite or with selected families that are trained and registered to provide the boarding and lodging facilities. Also, if they want, the tourists can be involved in specific rural activities like gardening, farming, gathering fruits etc.
We also produce environmentally friendly products by cooperating with the contracted factories at affordable prices.
Our products also include t-shirts and hats produced using less energy, recyclable plastic phone cases, reusable glass bottle, and long-lasting thermos. At the same time, our products are trendy and have promotional prices using our app.
Our company represents a social entrepreneruship company. Through this project we seek to promote the beauty of rural areas, to empower people living in rural communities to host tourist attractions for a better living and to contribute through our actions to a positive ecological impact.
All of our profits will return in a proportion of 90% in investments in the rural areas we are promoting and in the people that are living there.Therefore, all of our marketing strategy will focus on this message.
In order to promote our company and our project, we will use:
1. Social Media platforms to deliver promotion materiales and advertising to targeted customers.
2. Influencers – we will create collaboration contracts with social activists and eco-influencers to promote our project.
3. Media – we will send articles to the media at a national and international level.
4. TV – we will contact TV posts in order to appear in television shows to promote our social business.

This is part of the project „DEFRY – Digital Entrepreneurship for Rural Youth”, which was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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