Online Group Collaboration “Young Bits” – Chapter 8

Transcript of the presentation:

Online collaboration is the process of connecting users digitally to communicate in an online space. Online collaboration is usually supplemented using a software system that lets team members chat using video, audio and text.

Collaboration happens when two or more people combine their efforts to accomplish a common goal or task. It is more than communication — it’s about exchanging points of view and ideas.

Online collaboration means using the internet and online tools to collaborate. Instead of sitting in a physical office space, online collaboration allows employees to collaborate from different locations and devices by accessing virtual work environments and shared online workspaces.

Online collaboration offers organizations a chance to achieve optimal communication among team members during projects. Collaborating online provides more spaces where teams can communicate. Many tools offer virtual chat rooms, video calls and online meetings to keep a project organized and on schedule.

    • Collaboration tools – A list of 55 collaboration tools that can support your team’s needs.
    • Miro – Miro is the online whiteboard that will help you to brainstorm ideas, take notes, or visualize concepts together with your team.
    • Mentimeter – Mentimeter is an app used to create presentations with real-time feedback.
    • Padlet – A platform in which you can create one or multiple walls that are able to house all the posts you want to share.

Thank you for your attention! We hope you found the presentation useful and informative!

The content for this post is part of our online campaign called “Young Bits” which aims to increase the quality of Digital Youth Work by providing the interested parties with knowledge and tools that exist on the internet, but are not structured in a handy manner. The campaign represents the main result of the project „DIgital Technology as a TOol”, a training course that was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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