Project Announcement: E-Citizen Quest Training Course on Digital Citizenship and Rights

We are excited to announce the start of our latest project, the E-Citizen Quest Training Course, supported by the Tempus Foundation. This course will bring together youth workers from nine countries in Niš, Serbia, to focus on digital citizenship and digital rights. Our goal is to encourage people to act online with the same respect, honesty, and responsibility they show in person.

In today’s digital world, the lines between online and offline are blurred, so it’s more important than ever for people to treat each other well online, just like in real life. This project tackles the challenges of online misbehavior and equips youth workers with skills and tools to create safer, more respectful digital spaces. Participants will learn practical ways to promote positive interactions online and tackle issues like misinformation.

Project Goals and Focus

The E-Citizen Quest project aims to:

  • Help youth workers understand the impact of online behavior.
  • Encourage attitudes that promote respectful and positive online interactions.
  • Raise awareness of digital rights and responsible digital citizenship.
  • Provide tools and strategies to address online challenges.

Our Partners Across Europe

We’re glad to be working with a strong team of partners from different countries, each bringing valuable experience:

  • Debatni klub Grada Niša (Coordinator) – Serbia
  • Beyond Experience – Bulgaria
  • Ticket2Europe – Spain
  • ECHR – France
  • Youth-Cultural Initiatives Association Art – Poland
  • Yengecder Ngo – Turkiye
  • Združenje državljanov Središče Novosti – Slovenia
  • Objektivní Evropa – Czechia

We want to thank our partners for their hard work and dedication. Together, we’re working to make youth work stronger and build safe, welcoming online communities.

Follow Our Journey!

Stay tuned for updates on our progress, and join us as we work to create a more responsible and inclusive digital world!

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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