Social Media Analyse User Group

13 May - 6 June 2021 | Online

The increasing popularity of online media and social media channels have revolutionized the way that society, now perceived as global, communicates, interacts and shares information and opinions. Given this aspect, in addition to the positive aspects of the media channels, we must be aware of the negative effects that these can have on us, as individuals, but also as a society.

About the project

Social media addiction is a real phenomenon. As more people carry around smartphones and other devices wherever they go, it becomes harder to escape the internet. Despite the long time we loose on these websites, what is really concerning is the lack of awareness and understanding of the negative effects that the unconscious use of social networks has on young people. Although we realize that the huge time spent online is not beneficial, very few are aware of the impact of this in our daily lives.

Considering these we decided to work on this issue by raising awareness about the negative effects of social media.

Is social media good for us?

Creativity and critical thinking skills

Awareness of the social media impact on our lives

Awareness of the negative effects of social media

Activities & Methodes

The program was created to meet participants’ needs and to develop their digital skills. We used a variety of non-formal methods of learning adapted to different activities. During the project we developed our creativity and critical thinking skills, learned about communication, how is media content created, fake news, cyberbullying, social media impact on our lives, digital footprint and reputation etc.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of the project the participants developed knowledge about social media (what is it, what it represents, what forms it can take, what are the negative effects of social media, how to act responsible in the online environment, the way the fake news spread online and how can we protect ourselves, digital footprint, cyberbullying, personal branding etc.) as well as knowledge about the Erasmus + program and the Youthpass certificate, about different cultures and traditions, languages etc. The participants developed also important skills like critical thinking, to protect from the dangers in the online environment and fake news, to make informed decisions, to work in teams, to debate and to communicate in different languages.

Some final words…

Thank you for the time and the effort all of you put into this project! Even if it’s online it is still nicely done. Hope I will meet you one day…

Thank you for everything! I am already missing you and I wanna meet you in real life soon!

Never scroll the feed, but you can follow me on Instagram! Big hugs to all of you guys! I hope I will meet you soon, for REAL! 

I loved it! I loved the topics we discussed, the methods, the night games, the debates, and all the good time we had together, but most of it, I love every one of you! See you soon!  

The project „Social Media Analyse User Group” was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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