Youth Exchange ”Supporting Inclusion for a New Tomorrow” 

“Supporting Inclusion for a New Tomorrow” was an impactful youth exchange project that concluded successfully. Stemming from a shared commitment to fostering inclusion and reducing disparities among young individuals with fewer opportunities, this project was a follow-up to the previous initiative, “Welcome to Sottocolle!” YE implemented by La Dimora Accogliente and Euroactive NGO as partner. 

The project aimed to empower and enable young people, particularly those facing obstacles, by enhancing their access to European Youth opportunities. Through a series of engaging activities, discussions, and workshops, the project successfully achieved three key objectives:

1. Fostered Dialogue and Intercultural Exchange: The project provided a dynamic platform for dialogue and mutual understanding among participants from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. Activities, group discussions, and interactive workshops cultivated respect and appreciation for different cultures.

2. Promoted Access to International Mobility Programs: Workshops and information sessions offered comprehensive insights into international mobility programs, aiding young individuals in understanding application processes, participation requirements, and the significant benefits these programs offer, especially for those facing fewer opportunities.

3. Digital Empowerment: Specialized workshops enhanced digital literacy among 24 young participants, empowering them with skills to confidently navigate online platforms. This equipped them to actively engage and apply for international mobility programs.

Project results:

During the youth exchange, our participants showcased their creativity by producing video materials. Each video is a testament to their enthusiasm, creativity, and the transformative experiences gained during the exchange.

Video Interview about Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)

The project was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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