
It’s time to start the new you!

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide small local producers in rural areas with a market to sell their products. At the same time, we aim to create a community of people that will learn to appreciate the value of fresh vegetables and fruits for a healthy life.

Our Vision

We grow the healthiest food in the world and bring it to your door.

Our products

Our products consist of fresh vegetables and fruits that are cultivated by local farmers and individual people in the surrounding rural areas of your city. The products differ depending on the season and on the region you live in.



Food collection

We collect fresh vegetables and fruits from the local producers to be sold to the final client.

Food selling

We provide a platform that encompasses the catalog of available merchandise the local producers have available to be sold and that collects the clients’ orders. 

Mobile Delivery

We deliver your fruits and vegetable orders directly to your door, in the shortest time.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy will focus on three levels:

1. Building collaborations with the local producers. 

  • contacting the local municipalities and holding meetings with the members of the local communities
  • promotion ads in local media (newspapers, local TV or radio channels)

2. Promoting our application 

  • social media advertisement 
  • advertisement on different platforms and applications
  • collaborations with influencers

3. Increasing the number of clients

  • peer to peer recommendations – we will issue discounts for the customers that will share our application with other people
  • keep the provided services at a high quality
  • promote the benefits of a healthy alimentation in our lives through social media campaigns

The project „DEFRY – Digital Entrepreneurship for Rural Youth” was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Let's Connect
Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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