Methodologies and Tools to Boost Youth Participation
Our Toolkit “Methodologies and Tools to Boost Youth Participation” is finally here!
The toolkit “Methodologies and Tools to Boost Youth Participation” aims to offer practical guidance for increasing youth involvement in local governance and community affairs. It is targeted at youth workers, educators, and local administrations who wish to build stronger ties with the youth population.
The toolkit outlines the multiple benefits of youth participation, such as bringing fresh ideas to community projects and ensuring that youth-specific needs are addressed. It suggests methods for understanding youth needs through needs analysis, using tools like surveys, focus groups and others. The toolkit also provides information on how to motivate young people to get involved by aligning projects and actions with their interests and needs. We recommend non-formal educational methods, such as role-playing or simulations, as effective ways to engage young people. Last but not least, our toolkit includes relevant information and tools to evaluate the impact of your actions, ensuring effective youth engagement.
We hope this toolkit will serve as a comprehensive and useful guide for all those committed to fostering youth participation at local and European levels.
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