Young4Young: Empowering Students to Communicate with Public Institutions

As part of the YAMAG project, we organized local activities at Liceul Tehnologic Ferdinand I in Curtea de Argeș to equip young people with the skills needed to communicate effectively with public institutions. On the 26th of November 2024, 22 students participated in practical sessions aimed at enhancing their abilities to request public information professionally.

The activities began with an energizer called “Tangled Threads,” designed to foster teamwork and prepare participants for the learning process.

The main focus of the session was on teaching students how to:

  • Structure professional emails.
  • Use clear and concise language when addressing public authorities.
  • Properly request public information.

To make learning interactive and enjoyable, the session concluded with a Kahoot quiz that tested participants’ knowledge while reinforcing key concepts.

Through these local activities, students gained valuable communication skills and confidence in interacting with public institutions. They left the session better prepared to request public information and engage as active citizens.

Young4Young activities, held under the YAMAG project, continue to demonstrate the importance of practical and engaging learning experiences in empowering the next generation to take an active role in their communities.

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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