Youth Transnational Hub for Artists and Innovators
Partnerships for Creativity
- Date: 01.03.2021 – 31.08.2022
- Where: Online, Rome & Sofia
- Project Co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme and European Union
About the Project
The project “Youth Transnational Hub for Artists and Innovators” is a project aiming to create a platform for Youth Creativity in the broad aspect of Education, Art and Culture, which can find its Digital Analogue through the digital age, and therefore Youth Achievement in the current COVID-19 crisis.
The project aims to generate creative products with open access for application and communication, suitable for non-formal education and self-study use of young people; to create conditions for training in the external environment during transnational meetings, including remote, to build networks for the exchange of ideas, good practices, related to everyday life and the current agenda of society, as well as the future of the Earth and humanity in the context of youth policies, which today build key competencies and responsibilities of future bearers of managerial, expert and political decisions.
The mail goal of the project is to give the young people from small and large settlements, from countries and communities with different cultures the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss, propose, experiment, develop know-how and present their views through individual and group events through communication through culture and arts, both in the countries where they live and globally.
By participating to this project, young people will:
- increase their initiative, active citizenship and social inclusion through arts by encouraging them to act at local, national and transnational levels;
- gain more confidence in their own ability to make a real impact on processes that depend on managerial and political will;
- increase their knowledge of digital technologies and use of digital tools to adapt the way creative products, goods and events are created, managed, distributed, made available and consumed;
- improve their competencies and acquire key knowledge on the topics covered by the project, incl. their foreign language competencies;
- increase their motivation to seek and apply tools and resources for learning, promoting creativity, culture and cultural diversity;
- increase their motivation to develop talents and promote entrepreneurship in the field of their interests;
- improve their ability to create and manage online information campaigns to multiply project results and maintain their sustainability;
- increase their knowledge of cultural diversity by promoting intercultural participation and development of creative thinking.
Project activities include a set of 5 Online Transnational Meetings and 2 Mobilities (one in Italy and one in Bulgaria) as follows:
1) CREATORS OF THEIR OWN WORLD – Online meeting aimng to Get to know Eachother – 04.02.2022 – 05.02.2022
2) CREATORS OF THEIR OWN WORLD – Online meeting on topic “Let`s compose life cleanly” – 16.02.2022 – 19.02.2022
3) CREATORS OF THEIR OWN WORLD – Online meeting on topic “In one brontobyte to reinvent ourselves” – 09.03.2022 – 12.03.2022
The duration of the daily virtual appointments is 60-90 min.
4) Mobility in Italy (Rome) – 30.04.2022 – 04.05.2022 (including travel days) – The logistic details are still in the planning procees, so they are going to be communicated latter.
5) ON THE WAY FORWARD – Online meeting – Topic and programme – To be communicated
6) ON THE WAY FORWARD – Online meeting – Topic and programme – To be communicated
7) Mobility in Bulgaria (Sofia) – 30.06.2022 – 04.07.2022 (including travel days) – The logistic details are still in the planning procees, so they are going to be communicated latter.
By applying to this project you assume to participate in at least 75% of the virtual meetings and in the two mobilities in Italy and Bulgaria.
Participant’s profile:
- 18 – 29 years old;
- Has Romanian Nationality;
- Open to new, flexible, proactive and willing to work in a multinational and intercultural team;
- Is motivated to participate in this project and is interested in the proposed topic;
- Present interest in art and culture;
- Owns basic digital skills;
- Present desire for civic and involvement;
- Assume that they will share with others the knowledge, attitudes and abilities learned, and that they will be actively involved in all stages of the project.
- Completed the full Covid-19 vaccination scheme with an authorised vaccine by EMA;
In the process of selection will prevail:
- Fitting in the participants’ profile;
- Motivation to participate and the quality of the application;
- Euroactive NGO volunteers and the members of the communities we are activating in have priority;
- Gender balance;
- Priority will be given to youth workers with fewer opportunities and youth workers who have not participated in the Erasmus + program until now.
Number: 5 participants
The selection results will be sent by email to all candidates at the latest 30 January 2022.
1. The participation costs (accommodation, food, materials etc.) will be covered by the organisers from the project budget.
2. Travel insurance for the two project mobilities (in Italy and Bulgaria) is mandatory and must be covered from your own expense.
3. COVID-19 tests, if neccessary for travel, will not be reimbursed.
4. An amount of 30 euro will be perceived by the sending organisation as a co-financing of the participant to the project (not applied to Euroactive volunteers).
For more details about the project
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Also, if you want to find out more about the erasmus+ program, click here.
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Curtea de Argeș, Romania
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