YAMAG – Quantitative Research: Young People in Europe Today

This qualitative research component of the YAMAG project aims to delve into the nuanced understanding of young people’s needs and their participation in civic and democratic processes within their communities.

Conducted as part of a broader initiative to stimulate youth engagement across Italy, Spain, Croatia, and Romania, this study employs a combination of focus groups and in-depth interviews to gather comprehensive insights from young individuals aged 18 to 29.

The research is structured to complement the quantitative findings, providing a layered analysis of the perspectives, experiences, and aspirations of youth in these regions. Through this methodological approach, the project seeks to identify effective strategies for enhancing youth participation and informing policy development in a way that is responsive to the actual needs and conditions of young people in the involved countries.

Here is our key findings! 

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Curtea de Argeș, Romania


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